On 3 June 2024, the 8th Governing Board (GB) meeting (special) of ANSO was held online, bringing together leaders and representatives from all nine GB member organizations.
The meeting was presided over by Prof. Sukit Limpijumnong, ANSO President, who is the President of the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), Thailand. Prof. Helena Bonciani Nader, ANSO Vice President and President of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC), chaired the rest of the meeting when Prof.Limpijumnong had to leave.

Prof. Limpijumnong acknowledged the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)’s appointment of Prof. ZHANG Yaping, Vice President of CAS to serve as Vice President of ANSO on behalf of CAS. Prof. ZHANG expressed his appreciation to CAS President Prof. HOU Jianguo for entrusting him with this important position in his speech and promised to provide continued support for ANSO’s development. Prof. ZHANG announced that CAS had appointed Prof. LIU Weidong, Director General of the Bureau of International Cooperation, CAS to serve as the new Executive Director of the ANSO Secretariat.

Prof. Limpijumnong expressed his appreciation to CAS and proposed to hold the 9th GB meeting in Thailand, which was agreed upon by all GB members.
The GB members reviewed the ANSO Progress Report and the Memorandum on the Administration of the ANSO Secretariat presented by the Executive Director Prof. LIU. A representative from NSTDA proposed the dates of the 9th GB meeting and themes for a parallel science session.
The general discussion focused on the future development of ANSO and the arrangement of the next GB meeting. Participants also provided suggestions on how to enhance communication among the GB members.