
ANSO Strengthens Scientific Ties with Cyprus, Serbia, and Romania

ANSO Secretariat

16 10, 2024

In an outreach initiative, Prof. BAI Chunli, Founding President of the Alliance of National and International Science Organizations for the Belt and Road Regions (ANSO), led a delegation on a visit to Cyprus, Serbia, and Romania from August 22 to August 31, at the invitation of prominent local institutions.

Expanding Networks in Cyprus
During their time in Cyprus, the delegation met with representatives from the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy. Prof. BAI introduced ANSO and expressed hope to involve local scientific institutions and universities in the network. Mr. Georgios Komodromos (Acting Permanent Secretary) and his colleagues welcomed the delegation, offering insights into the Cypriot science landscape and agreeing to support ANSO in expanding its collaborative efforts. 
The delegation also visited the Geological Survey Department of Cyprus to explore potential collaboration. Prof. Christodoulos Hadjigeorgiou (Director) expressed strong interest in ANSO’s work and commitment to deepening practical cooperation. The delegation also witnessed the signing of the second-term Memorandum of Understanding between the Department and the Institute of Geology and Geophysics (IGG), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) by Prof. Hadjigeorgiou and Prof. ZHAO Liang, Vice Director of IGGCAS.
Strengthening Partnerships in Serbia
In Serbia, the delegation met with officials from the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation (NITRA). Attendees included Prof. Miroslav Trajanovic (State Secretary), Prof. Marina Sokovic (Assistant Minister for Science), Dr. Ivana Vukasinovic (Assistant Minister for International Collaboration), Prof. Nebojša Lalić (Secretary General of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA)), etc. The discussions focused on enhancing Sino-Serbian scientific collaboration through ANSO. Given that SASA is a Governing Board Member of ANSO, both parties expressed optimism about the Academy’s role in amplifying ANSO’s influence across the Balkan region. 

The delegation also visited the Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković" at the University of Belgrade, also an ANSO member. They engaged with Prof. Mirjana Mihailović (Director) and toured the Sino-Serbian Joint Laboratory for Drug Research. Prof. YE Yang, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica of CAS, provided updates on the ANSO-supported programs, including the development of the “Pan-Balkan Alliance of Natural Products and Drug Discovery Associations (PANDA)” and training workshops.

The visit concluded with a meeting at the Institute of International Politics and Economics of Serbia (IIPE), with its Director Prof. Branislav Djordjevic and his colleagues. As another ANSO member, the IIPE team proposed potential collaborations in international relations studies and workshops. Both sides reaffirmed their commitment to fostering deeper ties.
Meeting with the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation (NITRA)
Emphasizing Cooperation in Romania
In Romania, the delegation visited the Romanian Academy (RA), a founding member of ANSO. Prof. Marius Andruh (Vice President) provided an overview of the Academy’s history, main research areas, and its international collaborations. Prof. BAI expressed appreciation for RA’s long-standing support to ANSO and emphasized the importance of promoting Romanian researchers to utilize the ANSO project toolbox to enhance exchanges and cooperation. 
The delegation also explored research and exchange collaboration opportunities at the Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP), meeting with Prof. Victor Malka (Science Director) and his colleagues. This visit was facilitated by the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Machineries of CAS.

Throughout the trip, the delegation received a warm welcome from local scientific and educational institutions, along with strong support from the relevant institutes of CAS.


Tel: 86-10-84097121 Email: anso-public@anso.org.cn Location: No.16 Lincui Road, Chaoyang District, Beiing, China