A number of ANSO members have expressed their sympathies to and support for China's battle against the epidemic caused by novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
Institute of Geography-Geoecology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS) expressed appreciation for the Chinese government in taking effective and forceful measures, and for the Chinese people's courage and resolution. The Director General, Dr. D. Battogtokh from Institute of Geography-Geoecology, MAS has emphasized in the letter of solidarity that the importance of international cooperation for nowadays. Researchers and staffs from the Institute of Geography-Geoecology donated their on-day salary for support the Chinese friends.
Letter of Solidarity from Institute of Geography-Genecology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences
Thank you! Your great support embodies the true meaning of a community of shared future for mankind, which is what ANSO embraces all the time.